I've established a Parler account. There is not a lot of activity there. I need a volunteer to keep this account updated. email me at petersolie@petersolie.com and we will talk.
I would also be interested in maintaining a Truth Social
Call or text:
Mailing Address:
Solie for Kansas House
397 East Wichita Avenue
Lorraine, Kansas 67459

May 4, 2022
Welcome to Peter Solie for Kansas House. For the first several weeks of this campaign I had a list of social media with the universal “no” symbol over it.
I wrote…
Not here. Twitter, Facebook and YouTube have repeatedly banned individuals because their speech was not acceptable. Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, The New York Post and thousands of others have been banned and that is unacceptable to me. It should be unacceptable to you!
For now, this website is the beginning and end of social media about my campaign. I am open to establishing a Telegram, Locals or Rumble account. If this is to happen I need a solid volunteer to manage the account. Send me a message at petersolie@petersolie.com if you want to be the person to establish and promote my social media.
At the Libertarian Party of Kansas Convention in late April I asked 2020 Libertarian Party Presidential Candidate, Jo Jorgensen, how she balances the need to communicate with the public via social media with the bad behavior of social media companies blocking users because of their political speech. She replied something to the effect of, “we need to meet people where they are,”
I’ve thought a lot about her response over the past week and determined that I need to suspend my objection to the bad behavior of the social media companies and “meet the people where they are.” I can now be found on Facebook and X (Twitter).
All voices are necessary for a true political debate to occur. That includes things that are not true, disinformation and lies. Yes, lies. If someone lies and I know that it is a lie, it tells me everything I need to know about them. Others must be free to lie and if they do… I will shine a spotlight upon it. If someone in Palo Alto decides that a “lie” cannot stand, then I am kept from knowing the character of these speakers. The only solution to misinformation and disinformation is more speech, not less. *
* (For those of you don't know how to diagram a sentence... I am not an advocate for lying, I am an advocate for freedom of speech. I don't believe people should be prevented from speaking because someone thinks they are lying. If they are lying, then do the research and point out to the public why they should not be trusted. If there is going to be any restrictions on speech, the first question is who gets to determine if my speech is in violation. Can we agree on who should have that authority? I'm certain we cannot.)
I look forward to interacting with the residents of the 109th district. Please share my posts on your social media. Together we can share the message of liberty to the people of north central Kansas.
April of 2024 I added:
Elon Musk's purchase of X has resulted in several actions that tell me he is serious about the free exchange of ideas. I believe that I will be most active on X with significant participation on Facebook. See the left column of this page. I am looking for a volunteer to update and promote my social media.
Peter Solie