As a candidate for the Kansas House of Representatives and your future voice in Legislation, I understand there is more to consider than my policy positions.
Family and Community
Communication and Transparency
Married to Avis Armfield Solie for 34 years, I hold family values in the utmost regard. I am a father of three: George, John, and Karen. As an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I had the pleasure of serving as Bishop of the Great Bend Ward, counseling, consoling, and assuring people that their Savior, Jesus Christ loves them without reservation.
I am a resident of and city council member for the small rural community of Lorraine, Kansas, where I advocate for liberty and freedom. I also serve as governing board member for Grow Ellsworth County.
I moved to Central Kansas from Edgerton, Kansas in 2012 to accept a position at Barton Community College. Officially I teach Communication, Journalism, and Political Science courses. In reality, I teach critical thinking skills to students that have grown up in a world that taught them only the "correct answers," not the ability to research, explore and debate the merits of the questions they face every day.
Master of Arts degree in Liberal Studies from DePaul University
Master of Public Administration from Drake University
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Communication from University of St.Thomas
High School: Faith Christian High School
Graduate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Institutes of Organizational Management
2012 to Present: Instructor (Professor), Barton County Community College, Great Bend, Kansas
2009 to 2012: Founder of GarderEdge.com - local news website for Gardner and Edgerton, Kansas
1988 to 2009: Non-Profit Management; Executive management of several Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development and Trade Associations
Coordinator of Prison Ministry - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Central Kansas
Board Member - Ellsworth County Economic Development
Former Bishop of the Great Bend Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Former Board Member - Gardner Kansas Rotary Club
City Council Member - City of Lorraine, since 2015
Member of the Libertarian Party of Kansas, since 2016
Delegate to the Minnesota Republican Convention, 1988
Volunteer to several political campaigns, 1985 to present